What it’s all about!

Ranch Life, Uncategorized / Sunday, April 16th, 2017

Ever ask yourself, what are the weekends for?  If I was answering, I’d begin with the honey do’s, and the need to’s, and if we don’t get this done’s, and the….  But really ask yourself- what are the weekends for?  My weekend started like a normal one. Unfortunately, there weren’t any brandings, but pretty normal besides that.  Up at o’dark thirty.  Shower, barn chores, dog chores, breakfast ate, laundry, a little cleaning all before 9 am.  Dinner with some great friends later, and a dessert to be made.  So after all that I sat in front of my computer and decided to tackle another project on the to-do list.  As I began, yet again another project, I was saved from myself when some wonderful friends drove in the drive way.  I can honestly say, that is when my day truly started.

I was reminded again why we moved and what it’s all about.  It’s about remembering to give thanks, spending time with cherished friends, making new memories, and valuing what’s important.  It’s for sharing coffee while sitting in the kitchen.  Its for the coffee dates that turn into lunches.  It’s for those lunches that turn into afternoon storytelling.  It’s those stories that turn into novels over dinner and dessert.  It’s listening to retro country and remembering the good times when we were kids.  Its cowboy poetry told from the comfort of the living room couch.  Weekends are for remembering what it’s all about.

It’s not about the amount of possessions you gain or accomplishments you’ve earned.  It’s not about the trophies that line the wall, or the bridles that hang in your tack room.  It’s not about how much you can pack into one day, and how many items you can mark off the to-do list.  Sometimes we forget what feeds our souls- friendship, camaraderie, and conversation.  We, as in myself, can get so caught up in the day-to-day, the hustle, and go go.  Every now and then, and maybe every now and more often, we need to pause…… pause and remember why we are here.

It’s about the friends who have turned into family, the conversations you share, and the love for each other you have.  It’s about having no plans at all, that end up turning into the best days you’ve had.  It’s about the time you spend with one another that can never be replaced.

Our days are numbered before we ever take our first breath, yet we often waste so much of it.  Days like today remind me that time is of  the essence, and patience is by far one of the best virtues.  It’s quality time with one another our souls need.  It’s good for the heart.  At the end of the day, it’s really all about spending time with the ones we love because one day there will not be any more time.  We only get one trip around the sun.  Make it count!  I think today I was blessedly reminded what it’s all about.