The Real. The Raw. The Genuine.

Uncategorized / Wednesday, April 18th, 2018

I’ve been meaning to write a post like this for a long time.  Just not sure where or how to start it.  Who am I beyond the titles and resume bullets?  What sets my soul on fire and keeps me awake at night?  I often ask myself, do people really know the real me beyond the pictures?  Am I telling MY story, or the story I want them to see?  In a world of social media and the perfect picture, sometimes we can get caught behind the lens.   Myself, I love  the real, the raw, the genuine and I feel I owe it to my soul to be just that.  It is essential in this season of life I am living.

So here it goes.  This blog will probably go against every “blogging DON’T” but that’s ok, it’s all part of being authentic.  As a child of God it’s our job to serve the way he has intended us too.  It’s our job to be real and authentic.  To seek out and live our purpose, whatever that may be.  I often think we are set on earth to serve more than one purpose.  I think it is constantly changing and evolving.  And as long as we follow the path and purpose given to us, our purpose will evolve for the season of life we are in.

As humans we long to feel connected, we search for that other human who gets us, who sees us for who we are, sometimes better than we see ourselves.  I am no different. I love to be surrounded by people and business.  I scroll through face book and Instagram feeds looking for those who I feel connected too, the ones I think “I could be friends with them”.  Whether it is the story they are telling, the words they are sharing, or the emotion they are creating, there is something that draws me to them.  I’m drawn to the inspiration portrayed behind the words and

pictures.  When I look back over my short 31 years of life, there are definite moments I can see my purpose being served.  As I stand before you in my current season of life, sometimes that purpose seems less clear.  But what I do know is that I can share that chapter with you now.  I can be brave and reach out, I can highlight the real, the raw, the genuine, in hope that maybe someone too might just need it.  Just like I need it.

Who is the 2A ranch wife, not the titles, or plaques on the wall, who is she?

She is a passionate person.  So passionate to the point that sometimes it hurts.  She leads with her heart and sometimes it gets broken.  To the core she loves to serve and help, in whatever way it may be.  Whether it be in teaching and educating, soul searching, or just sharing, she really just loves to teach.  More than teaching she loves seeing the “ah ha” moments.  Her happiest moments are when she sees the success and hard work pay off for someone else.  She has a constant drive to be better, seek better, and create the best version of her god given self.  She’s a dreamer, schemer, and believer.  Sometimes she drives herself crazy with all the business ideas and plans she want to create and things she wants to do.  She wants to do so many things and sometimes doesn’t even know where to start.  She not only writes in run on sentences, but talks, thinks, plans, and does in run on sentences.  I’m going to apologize now for the random non chronological mess this list will probably be.  Remember- run on sentences here!

She wasn’t born into ranching and agriculture but the love and passion for the industry is indescribable.  She believes in the future of agriculture but sometimes doesn’t know where to even begin.  If she could somehow figure out how to combine her love and passion for educating, her draw towards agriculture advocacy, and need to share her story, the perfect storm just might be created.  Educating the public about this life she lives and why it is so important, runs deep in her bones.  The feels are real!

She has wanted to write a book since she was about 12, she just doesn’t know what she would write about, or if anyone would even be interested in reading it.  One day she hopes to be a motivational speaker, maybe her story could inspire someone else.  Just like the stories of others have inspired her.

She acts strong and tough, yet her heart breaks so easily, especially when she sees the cruelness and unfairness of the world.

She has an obsession with fashion and shoes and shopping.  She loves to travel and experience the wonders of the world.  She is Italian and that blood runs deep.  Her happiest moments are shared around home cooked meals with a table full of family and friends.  She loves to cook, especially bake, and host parties.  She loves coaching and dogs and baby animal any things.  She loves early mornings, going to bed early, and the smell of spring.  She loves cows, and roping, and calf brandings.  She loves her family and her best friend, her husband.  Long pick-up rides with him make her soul feel alive.  And she loves her horses.  This is and always will be her first and one true love.  Horses ground her and center her world.  Their smell, their eyes, their heart.  The way they can be so still, yet know exactly what you are thinking.

Her heart yearns to be gone during the summer.  Maybe she’s a rodeo gypsy at heart.  She loves to decorate and turn a house into a home.  She loves bright Spanish colors and mint green.  Everything mint green.  She guards her heart because it is fragile.  She has a past that is no less painful from anyone else’s.  It has its own chapters that has shaped her into the woman she is today.  It taught her to never give up and to forgive.  She is constantly learning how to have grace for herself and others, and to set down the back pack full of bricks, called perfection.

Sometimes she doesn’t know when to quit- relentless, perseverance, determined or just plain crazy.  This is what fuels this hot mess.  She’s a sucker for red roses, and when she smiles- it’s all teeth!  Oh and coffee, lots and lots of coffee.  This is just a glimpse into who the 2A ranch wife is.  Maybe this speaks to some and not to others.  But I am no different than anyone else out there.  Constantly searching and serving in the glory for my purpose.  Trying to build my tribe of people, that can build each other up, support each other’s dreams, and watch each other succeed.  If we all tried to do this a little bit more, think of how much richer this world could be. To my current tribe, past tribe, and future tribe, we are on this roller coaster of life together.  Share your story, you never know who just may have needed to hear your words.  Maybe someone needed to hear mine, and maybe not.  But as each day I wake up, blessed yet again, I plan to keep living, serving, and searching for my purpose.  Here’s to living a purpose driven life and getting to know the real you!