The Mrs. Cow Boss

Uncategorized / Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019

Today, I’m giving you 8 fun facts about this ranch wife. And one lucky follower a shnazy pair of 2A cotton gloves!

1. They call me Jessica, Jessie, hey you, and sometimes Mrs. Anderson. In my former teaching days it was also Momma Andy, and the infamous gold mini van driving Madam P! That is a story for another day .

2. Prior to ranch wife-ing, I was a high school ag teacher. And LOVED it! All of it! Coaching, kiddos, FFA, the works!

3. Currently, when I’m not performing ranch wife duties, I wear the hat of an agriculture program educator for the Cooperative Extension.

4. I love to write! Hence the blog! And hopefully soon a book or two. Since I was 12, I always wanted to publish my ramblings! I have a few in the works and am anxiously awaiting what 2019 has in store for my storytelling. Oh and I definitely overuse run on sentences, and forget to punctuate, and can hardly spell ?‍♀️!

5. Despite my love for cows, branding and the Cow Boss, my first true love was saddle seat equitation. Yup, wore those funny jodhpur pants and boots. Rode around on them long necked saddlebrds. Covered my lips in candy apple red lipstick. And wanted to do nothing but ride and show them high stepping trotters!

6. I am a slight geek at heart. I am enamored with reading research, learning all things new, and philosophizing. If that’s even a word. At 11, when most kids were playing, I was creating businesses. Or studying the Arabian Horse Times, because you never know, I might need to know who the 1999 US National Champion Half Arabian English Horse was, for final Jeopardy, of course!

7. I love to wake before the sun, read copious amounts of self help, inspirational, and faith based books. Pray! Dream! Oh and drink coffee. Lots and lots of coffee!

8. Retail therapy is a thing. I have no self control when it comes boots. When I’m sad, I shop. When I’m happy, I shop. When I’m bored, busy, anxious, excited, you get the drift, I shop. If I wasn’t in ag, I’d be involved in fashion. Maybe Dolce and Gabana would want a cow pie, corral dust, boot wearing fashionista on their team. Hey, a girl can dream!

Ok! So that is way more than 8 things! But I’m feeling generous!

Drop me a fun fact about yourself and get entered for some 2A cotton gloves!