Situations like these make one quite……… ROPEY!

Ranch Life, Uncategorized / Wednesday, July 15th, 2015

A famous quote often said by my Buckaroo husband right before he heads off to rope a cow…….  Whether it be doctoring a sick one as it jumps down a creek ditch, or laying after one as it runs across the west side mountains, or even as he has one roped and it jumps down a ravine!  It’s situations like these that make one quite ROPEY!

You see I am still a student of the cow or so I like to say it :). I come from a rodeo and showing background so the thought of chasing after one going 9-0 makes me cringe just a little.  I often follow the thought with all the “what ifs” and it is soon responded by a sarcastic buckaroo comment of “You know- its situations like theses…”,  ” yes, yes, that make one quite ROPEY!” So here I am on my quite ROPEY  war path!!!

The other day we had plenty of calves and bad eyes to doctor. These warm days of 105+ degrees and the lovely little flies is the perfect recipe for pink eye!  So as we arrived at the ranch at O’ dark thirty we knew we’d have lots of eyes to doctor. And that we did!  Five calves to be exact!  And yes the Situation made me quite ROPEY as I was on the back half heeling all the calves!  As Baxter Black says it perfectly there’s nothing better than an “over the shoulder shot double hocking a snakey calf!”

Boy were the calves big- 500-600 pounds to be exact.  So you can see, situations like these…. make one quite ropey!