Oh the places you will go….

Ranch Life, Uncategorized / Thursday, April 6th, 2017

As the ever so wise Dr. Seuss so graciously puts it, “You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, and you can steer yourself any direction you choose.”  It would be hard to deny that these words haven’t been ringing through my ears.  They say dreams really do come true…..  I would have to agree.  These past few months Spencer and I have been veraciously working on a goal that has been ours for the past 5 or 6 years.  We not only both love the cowboy way of life, but for as long as we have known each other, have wanted to own our own cattle too.  Yesterday, that dream no longer was a dream- it became a reality.  

As that Gator Livestock truck pulled into the feedlot, it couldn’t have been more surreal.  In fact, I ran up and tackled poor Gator  (the truck driver) with a hug!  As I watched my “Cowboss” back that cattle truck up to the loading chute, I couldn’t be more proud of us.  There is definitely no I in team, and we have went at this as a we.  As that truck door was reeled open, and the first cow stepped off the truck, I could honestly say, “dreams really do come true”. 

These past two years have been nothing short of soul searching, but the writing was finally on the wall.  Everything happens for a reason, and as those many doors have closed in the past, moving out to Nevada has opened numerous new ones.  The friends we have met, who are like family, have been so instrumental to us.  Our family, despite our craziness, has supported us with unconditional love, and “you can do its”.  The countless phone calls to friends and role models for advice, the “cow-teachers” who have shared their wisdom with us in the past, and those we still have yet to meet, we can’t thank you enough.  From the bottom of our hearts, we are truly humbled.  It takes a village.  And the village that surrounds us, is more than a blessing.  Not to mention, a huge shout out to the good man above, in him we owe all the GLORY.  We, my friends, are officially in the cattle business!!!!

Here’s to the days that turn into weeks, weeks that turn into months, and months that turn into years.  Leave no stone un-turned, and never forget a “thank you”.  As the Seuss Doctor puts it- 

“You’re off to Great Places!
Today is your day! 

Your mountain is waiting.
  So… get on your way!”  

 Two years ago, I read those very words to the graduating class of 2015, today I say them over to myself.  “Oh the places you’ll go! There is fun to be won! There are calves to be roped. There is work to be done. And the magical things you can do with that where-with-all, will make you the winning-est winner of all.”  He may be a childhood poet, but those words have never sounded more clear.  Cattle business here we come!!!!  We are off to great places, today is our day.  Our mountain is waiting, we are on our way!