October 2019- What do labels mean to you? Are your cattle and the beef you eat certified?

What are cattle certification programs?

There are so many programs available to us as cattle producers and I am often asked why we chose the program we did. Or what does that certification do? Sometimes figuring out what program to choose can be a lot like picking out a college, and often times it is overwhelming. Not to mention expensive. And what about the consumer? What do they want? Do they know the difference amongst labels when we as producers sometimes can’t even make a decision.

This month I want to dip my toe in the water of cattle certifications and food labeling. Believe me, it would be a semester long course if I dove into them all. Let this be a launching point for you. A place to start with links to dive in further. My biggest suggestion is to figure out what your end goal is and work backwards.

How to choose a program.

So for example, for us, we knew we needed to increase our profit margin per calf. With expenses rising and cost fixed, how were we going to make more money per head, running the numbers we do. That is what started this entire look into certification programs. We knew we already were raising quality cattle, utilizing Beef Quality Assurance practices, and had a great management program. So for us it was, what program is already aligned with our values that would allow us a premium per head. So you need to ask yourself, what is your end game? And then reverse engineer the program to fit your end game.

There are SOOOOOO many options and choices. And it would be impossible to do them all. Today I am going to talk about a few, this is just the tip of the iceberg. From here I want to provide you with links and resources so you can make the best decision for YOU and your practice. I am not suggesting or endorsing and or all of the above. Really this is more for inquiring minds and a place where you can start. What works for us may or may not work for you, and that is ABSOLUTELY ok. Organic or conventional, natural, grass finished, grain finished, etc. There is no right or wrong way.

Where can I find more information on programs and food labels?

So with that, enjoy today’s podcast about labeling, programs, and certifications. The link I would suggest to start with is http://imiglobal.com/beef-programs.html

There you will find a LONG list of programs. From each you can research more in depth. And maybe you are not a cattle producer but rather a beef lover! It never hurts to research what the label on your beef you are eating means. You may be SURPRISED at what you learn! You know me- I love ag education, and I think producer and consumer alike, we can never have too much.