Frozen Pies, Freezing Temps, and Feeding Cows

Ranch Life / Monday, February 26th, 2018
Our 2018 Calf Crop

“Okay, go ahead” he hollers from the feed wagon.  “Slow down. “You’re going to fast.” “Go, go, go.” “Quit letting the clutch out so fast.” ” You don’t have to use your breaks, just put it in neutral and coast to a stop.” “Do you really have to hit every bump out here.”


The Cow Boss Feeding

Do any of these phrases sound familiar to my other ranch wives, ranch girlfriends, and ranch ladies?  I am pretty sure this is the common dialogue we feed wagon drivers are privee too. Mind you, he doesn’t take into account the completely slick tires we have to drive on with the 1999 feed truck.  Or how the electric seats don’t work any more and your 5 foot 3 inch height has a hard time reaching the petals when the seat is stuck at his 6 foot 2 inch reach.  Or how  he expects you to NOT hit every frozen cow pie out there, with zero tread on your tires.

2017 Fall Calf

Or what about when he has the genius idea to rope sick calves off the feed truck and trailer…….  But expects you to track just like his finished bridle horse.  Not to mention the extra 20 feet following behind you.  No sharp turns, dodge the baby calves and hungry mamas, all the while not dumping him off the back.  Don’t forget you need to miss the irrigation checks that run parallel to the feed line set at 20 foot intervals.  Maintaining constant speed on frozen icy pasture with slick tires, and carefully toggling between 2wd and 4wd, that way you have the best turning radius. Without popping the clutch, bucking him off the back, and avoiding the undeserved eye roll, hind end remodeling, and vocabulary lesson.


Any ladies with me????  Winter time can be trying…..  Feeding in sub freezing temperatures, calving in the snow, and always fighting for that last bit of day light in our already too short of days.  I have to admit, even though feeding cows comes with its causalities of war, it is my favorite part of the day.  And there are always a few good laughs and stories to tell!

I love seeing all my momma cows.  Yes some do have names, and I carry on conversations with them out the feed truck window while I am driving.  Maybe this is to blame for my sub par driving skills according the Cowboss!  “Hey Gladdis, what’s new?”  “Oh Dot, you are looking mighty fine today.”  “Ruby, you are my favorite!”  And then there is Rosebud, Large Marge, Buffalo Heifer, Lucy, Blondie, No Moo, Broken Jaw, and not too mention the calves with names like, Fancy Feet, CJ, Panda, Lonely Louie, and White Belly.

Our 2017 Fall Calves

I’m pretty sure if I named them ALL, my husband might fire me!  If that is even possible.  But yes, feeding these mommas is a favorite time of my day.  We get to catch up on all the happenings, I get to see the calves grow and make beef, as well as see the new life being born.  What an absolute blessing and reminder that God is good!  So I will continue to endure the frozen pies, freezing temps, and feeding cows as long as I get to see my ladies with their babies!  Stay warm out there and if all else fails, turn the music on a little louder and say hi to YOUR ladies during feeding time!


Our Wintery Nevada Weather