Cowboy Vows

Ranch Life, Uncategorized / Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

With Valentines Day around the corner, I thought it appropriate to look at those vows we take with our loved ones.  Now mind you, Mr. Anderson and I are not your Hallmark Holiday type of folks.  But while sitting in the pick-up the other day, he and I happened upon this conversation.  I think it started with something to the effect of him saying, “Do you smell that?”  Now I never now what smell will follow, but this time it was the smell of SPRING TIME.  Better known in our household as BRANDING SEASON.  And boy did it smell like the happiest time of year.  I followed his comment with, “You know, my arm is feeling a little twitchy……  I think IT IS branding season.  And so the conversation went.  It went all the way to me saying “You know, I think when we renew our vows there needs to be some in there about branding seasons!”

Our wedding day!

This was right after we met in 2006 at the Silver Dollar Fair.

Now let me back up a few steps, when we got married it was the most amazing day of our lives.  Looking back we were babies, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.  We were married by a cowboy preacher and he made the ceremony and vows fit us perfectly.  Mind you as a born and raised Catholic, it was quite the shocker to the ole family when we decided to get married outside and by a COWBOY preacher.  But our preacher did great, and the best thing he had us vow, was that in marriage there should not be competition……..unless you are roping.  And boy has that been the truth.  So now, as the hubby and I are almost to 10 years of marriage, I can honestly say- when all else fails we take it to the roping pen.  Whether its team roping, doctoring calves, branding, or just dummy roping, we take spinning a few seriously.

So back to the vows, I think a few more needed to be added on that wedding day in addition to the usual ” in sickness and in health…..”  Now ladies, those of you who share with me the love of spring time, baby calves, and the feeling of double hocking one, can relate to these.  Whether you are a newly wed or tried and true, you too may want to add these to your marriage vows.

Cowboy Vows

1.  I vow to never go to a calf branding without my bride by my side.
2. I vow to always ask the Mrs. first if she wants to doctor calves.
3. I vow to always make sure there is a seat in the pick-up clean enough for you to sit in.
4. I vow to let you ride my good bridle horse at least at 3 brandings a year.
5. I vow to train all your colts so you can brand and doctor on them too.
6. I vow to do the midnight to 4am heifer check and never give you a hard time for not getting up.
7. I vow to love all your little dogs, even if you have more than one.

At the Smith Branding in 2016


Cowgirl Vows

1. I vow to always love you, even during calving season.
2. I vow to love you even when you smell like burnt calf hair.
3. I vow to always check your pockets for pocket knives, needles, and bullets before doing laundry.
4. I vow to tolerate your crazy cow dogs and let the “retired” ones in when its freezing outside.
5. I vow to accept the fact that I will never have anything white, clean, or free of stains.

I am sure I could add a few more to both lists.  But at the end of the day, the vow that we both repeat is “love me like you love branding season!”

So to all the soon to be Mrs., be sure you don’t forget to add a few “cowboy vows” into those marriage promises, and remember there is no competition in marriage unless you are ROPING!