Desert Cowboying Summer Essentials

Ranch Life, Uncategorized

As the 90 degree plus weather is among us, and summer is in full swing, I think this post is more than appropriate.  Now coming from Northern California and 100 plus degree summers, I can honestly say the heat is no biggie.  But the DESERT has other nuances too offer, many this California girl has […]

July 9, 2017

A letter from the Mrs.

Ranch Life, Uncategorized

Whether you are her boy friend, man friend, or husband friend I suggest you read on.  In light of the weekend’s events, I decided to help you male species out.  I’m sure you guessed it, we were branding again this fine weekend!  Oh and got to see Tom Russel in concert!  AMAZING!!!  What a great […]

April 30, 2017

Penalties in the Branding Pen

Ranch Life, Uncategorized

As the branding season is among us, the weekends are filled with baby calves, great company, and  good fun.  When asked what I will be doing on “Saturday” from the middle of March to the first of June, my reply is something to the effect of, “Well I’m not sure- are we branding calves?”  As […]

April 16, 2017

What it’s all about!

Ranch Life, Uncategorized

Ever ask yourself, what are the weekends for?  If I was answering, I’d begin with the honey do’s, and the need to’s, and if we don’t get this done’s, and the….  But really ask yourself- what are the weekends for?  My weekend started like a normal one. Unfortunately, there weren’t any brandings, but pretty normal […]

April 16, 2017

Oh the places you will go….

Ranch Life, Uncategorized

As the ever so wise Dr. Seuss so graciously puts it, “You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, and you can steer yourself any direction you choose.”  It would be hard to deny that these words haven’t been ringing through my ears.  They say dreams really do come true…..  I […]

April 6, 2017

Cowboy Vows

Ranch Life, Uncategorized

With Valentines Day around the corner, I thought it appropriate to look at those vows we take with our loved ones.  Now mind you, Mr. Anderson and I are not your Hallmark Holiday type of folks.  But while sitting in the pick-up the other day, he and I happened upon this conversation.  I think it […]

February 2, 2017

A New Place Called Home….

Ranch Life, Uncategorized

As some of you already know, from May 2015 to May 2016 Spencer and I were living in two separate states. Two separate lives really.  Besides a few weekends and summer break, it was like dating all over again.   He was offered an opportunity to follow his dreams and run a 1200 cow-calf operation. […]

January 14, 2017


Ranch Life, Uncategorized

This year I was honored to speak at our high school graduation.  To be chosen by the students is quite humbling.  This was the last set of my students who were founding members of the school’s FFA chapter.  They had done it all the past four years.  Speaking contests, field days, meetings, conferences, even state […]

July 15, 2015