Impostor Syndrome: The Real Beef Deal


Tune into Episode 8: Impostor Syndrome The Real Beef Deal: CLICK HERE Episode 8 on the podcast is all about real beef vs. fake beef. Tune-in to give it a listen. To help you follow along since we discuss A TON of statistics and numbers, here you can find the handouts we refer too! Impostor […]

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Cowboy Dinner Time Conversations


Well, it’s been a while since I’ve visited my cowboy telling ways.  Now I need to preface this, with the confession that I have been writing this blog in my head for almost 2 months.  Mainly trying to conjure up a way to tell this cowboy tale, but still keep it somewhat P.C.  Now if […]

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Need a reminder to slow down- Don’t forget to press pause…. And maybe try on some turquoise


So the mom’s and I just got back from a long over-due road trip.  It was a good one with lots of shopping, amazing, food and of course laughs.  We headed North East and found ourselves in Colorado to pick up my Momma Julie.  Momma Julie was like a second mom to me growing up […]

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I Survived: Shipping, Weaning, and a Whole Lotta Outdoors

Ranch Life

Hi Friends!  It’s me again.  If you have been following my Instagram, you have probably seen the last few weeks have been chalked full of everything 2A Moo! Where should I start!  Well, we started the month of June out with gathering one of our leases in California.  Let’s just go ahead and say, this […]

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Turquoise, Tapas, and New Friends


I’ve often said it, Mr. Anderson has never met a stranger.  This past weekend he surprised the heck out of me.  For my birthday, he arranged a surprise trip to one of my favorite places to visit.  I love the Midwest, and any chance I get to visit friends in Oklahoma, I am out the […]

September 27, 2018

So…. You Want To Marry A Cowboy?!?!


So……. this write brings me much joy.  When the Cow Boss and I were first dating in college, I can remember my friends say things like: “I want to marry a rich cowboy” And as a new comer to the sport, yes, dating a cowboy should be an Olympic sport, I will go into more […]

August 27, 2018

Moving, Camping, and Washing Dishes in the Tub…

Ranch Life

Yes, you read the title correctly, Moving….. Camping…. And Dishes in the Tub…..  So let’s see, where shall I start.  How about with the moving part!  So yes, we moved. YET AGAIN.  Not by choice, but rather by necessity.  That is not the point, the point is I HATE MOVING.  Rather, packing, I think I […]

July 13, 2018

When you take a cowboy to town….

Ranch Life

Lady friends, I need your help!  Any of you struggle with me when you bring your man friend to town???  Now, the Cowboss he likes to go to town- SOMETIMES!  But for my own and other peoples protection, I have to time it just right when he goes.  After living in the sticks these past […]

June 8, 2018

The Real. The Raw. The Genuine.


I’ve been meaning to write a post like this for a long time.  Just not sure where or how to start it.  Who am I beyond the titles and resume bullets?  What sets my soul on fire and keeps me awake at night?  I often ask myself, do people really know the real me beyond […]

April 18, 2018

Frozen Pies, Freezing Temps, and Feeding Cows

Ranch Life

“Okay, go ahead” he hollers from the feed wagon.  “Slow down. “You’re going to fast.” “Go, go, go.” “Quit letting the clutch out so fast.” ” You don’t have to use your breaks, just put it in neutral and coast to a stop.” “Do you really have to hit every bump out here.”   Do […]

February 26, 2018

Winter Survival Guide…

Ranch Life

Now, I really shouldn’t be complaining with the onset of the last few weeks’ 66 plus degree weather.  But this California girl loves her warm sunshine and summer like feels.  I probably should live in Arizona, I love to be warm, and sandals, and sun, and all that goes with it.  That white stuff that […]

February 12, 2018

The adventures of Meatloaf….

Ranch Life

Well its become that time…..  What time you ask?  To tell the story about when Dyna, the horse, had a Meatloaf, the mule.  I know you are probably wondering what in the heck I am talking about.  Well brace yourself, we are about to embark on…….an interesting adventure. When Dyna had a Meatloaf….. I am […]

January 22, 2018

Goodbye Retired Dog

Ranch Life, Uncategorized

To say you have had the best dog of your life, might be short sided.  But I can honestly say, we have.  Sid was more than four legs and a wagging tail.  She was a friend, confidant, and loyal companion.  She’d greet you every morning with a nudge to the hand, and lick to the […]

October 4, 2017

Weekends spent in the desert…..

Ranch Life, Uncategorized

“Hey Jess, what did you guys do this weekend?”   I reply without hesitation, “Oh we went to a team goat branding, had breakfast with good friends, then we all built a table, and topped er off with Sushi.”  “Wait- backup!  TEAM GOAT BRANDING.  Did I hear you correctly, Jess?  Is that really what it […]

October 2, 2017