When you take a cowboy to town….

Ranch Life / Friday, June 8th, 2018

Lady friends, I need your help!  Any of you struggle with me when you bring your man friend to town???  Now, the Cowboss he likes to go to town- SOMETIMES!  But for my own and other peoples protection, I have to time it just right when he goes.  After living in the sticks these past few years, I can probably count on both hands the amount of times Mr. Cowboss actually makes it to town to do more than go out to dinner.  Now, when I talk town, I’m talking the size of 6000-10,000 people.  I’m not talking the likes of San Francisco.  That’s a whole other ball of wax.  Dinners out are one thing, but grocery shopping is definitely another.  Not to mention if you have to stop at Target or some other establishment like Lowe’s or heaven forbid the rare occasion I can drag him all the way to Reno to visit Home Goods or the Nordstrom rack.

Yes, yes, I know, I love me some retail therapy.  Did I mention attempting vacations?????  Unless I can swindle him into thinking we are going to a saddle shop, tack shop, or branding, GOOD LUCK and GOOD REDDENS.


Ranch Rodeos are definitely the exception he will willingly attend those, and I am married to a pretty dang patient creature, because he will even entertain me and take me to a barrel race.  But be prepared for some awesome commentary on the circus like attractions that sometimes follows the barrel racers.  Barrel racers please take no offense to this, I would have to raise my right hand and admit sometimes I can be one of the circus acrobats.  And when I find myself swinging like a monkey from the bars, my ever so sweet husband gives a me a not so gentle reminder to “don’t act like a barrel racer”.  I have even drug him against his will to sit in the stands and watch my students as they can chase for hours.  And yes, he does it so patiently.  So with that, I have devised a list of tips, tricks, and briberies that will help when you MUST take your cowboy, cowman, or cow boss to town!


  1.  FEED HIM FIRST- This is an absolute must.  If you aren’t leaving right after you feed him a home made breakfast, you better have budgeted time to stop and eat first.  A full belly helps avoid the hangry antics.  I pack snacks as well, but they don’t do the trick like a stop at the Mexican restaurant or even Taco Bell.
  2. BARTER- Yes, I said it.  You may have to take one for the team.  If you take me to the Nordstroms Rack, we can go to D-Bar- M the tack shop, Cal Ranch and even Cabellas.  Do whatever it takes.  Make him think it is a trip to town for him.
  3. DISTRACTIONS- Facebook and YouTube work like a charm.  If he chooses to sit out front the store and play on his phone let him.  You just may eek an extra twenty minutes in your favorite establishment.  Or even better yet, another store.
  4. NAPS- Tell him he can catch a few winks while you run in.  Remind him, he deserves a nap after a long branding and shipping season.  The sun will be warm this time of year, perfect time for a little shut eye and some zzz’s.
  5. BUY HIM SOMETHING- Whether you let him push the grocery cart while shopping and load it with what he wants or you pick him up ANOTHER button up shirt at Costco, buy him something.  This definitely helps.  It’s like Christmas for him, only better.  And if all else fails, tell him you will buy him something under $100 at Cabella’s.  Or whatever your budget may be.

Ladies, trust me it is worth it.  If you are like me, the alone time you get to spend with your man friend can be few and far between.  After the end of January, it is a mad dash and hot mess of a race until about the middle of June.  Between calving, shipping, feeding hay, checking and hauling water, spring planting, branding and life in between, or cowboys can sometimes feel more like roommates with the early mornings, late nights, and long days.


So on the rare occasion he has time and is WILLING to go to town with you, take it.  Jump at it! Do whatever you have to do to sacrifice yourself, with grace and dignity of course, and encourage him to go.  Because I don’t know about you, but my favorite time with the Cow Boss is spent in the pick-up talking about the good ole days, the days to come, and the ones we are currently in.  Here’s to taking your Cowboy to town…… it could be worse, he might insist you take his pick-up and border collies!  Stay in the middle my friends and enjoy the sunshine!