August 2019- How Beef is Aged? And The Difference between Grass and Grain Finished Beef

Phew! This is a ton of info and pretty hot topics at the moment. A huge question circling the internet is “How beef is aged?” The grain finished beef vs. grass finished beef debate…… Which one is better? It’s kind of like “to be or not to be” that is the question. Today on the Podcast, I talk all about what it means to grain or grass finish. The actual meaning behind the labels as well as Organic vs. Natural. After scouring through the research, doing the leg work, and relying on credible facts rather than fear based marketing, the results are in….

Truly when you boil it down the the grams, we see very little difference in the two when comparing protein, vitamins, minerals, and fats. Mind BLOWING! See the infographic below.

Why am I sharing this? Because as a rancher, I believe in ALL types of farming and ranching. Conventional, organic, natural, grain finished, grass finished, non GMO, GMO’s. I understand and respect it all. More of which, I wish the entire industry would do as a whole. There is plenty of room for us all at the trough. We shouldn’t be ripping each other apart to gain in our marketing ventures. At the end of the day we are all doing our very best to raise whichever type of product that fits our production practices best. So today, I brought you straight facts. WHY? Because I want you as a consumer to know them, understand them, and make the best decision for you- based on them. Not on marketing fear.

I have also decided to include some information on the difference between the labels. How well do you know what is behind the label? See the handout below to help you the next time you make your decision.

Our 2A Beef is grain fed, and we choose to be GAP certified, which also is Non hormone treated and antibiotic free. Our beef is grass fed its entire life with an added 30% grain to its diet for the last 90-120 days. We like the taste of grain fed beef and that is what we decided to offer our customers. If you prefer grass fed, great! I hope you can find a grass fed producer you love.

Our goal is to always offer the facts. We want you to be 100% confident in making an educated decision. And as a consumer, you should know where your beef comes from, how it is raised, and what it is fed! BOOM!

The other thing we talked about on the Podcast was dry aging vs. wet aging. This doesn’t have to do with the actual age of cattle but rather how the beef is “aged” after harvest.

So dry aging vs. wet aging.  Let’s dig in a little deeper!  

Wet aging is a process consisting of vacuum packing beef—either primal or sub-primal cuts—in plastic (cryovac) and letting it age in a refrigerator. The meat is packed in its own juices, allowing its natural enzymes to break down connective issues for tenderness.  

Dry aging is the process where you hang an entire beef, side of beef or certain primal cuts (e.g. rib, loin) in a controlled, refrigerated environment for several weeks. In addition to the tenderizing and flavor-enhancing effects created by the meat’s natural enzymes, the dry aging process promotes the growth of certain mold species on the meat’s surface. The molds produce enzymes of their own which contribute to flavor and tenderness…All mold is then removed prior to the cutting up of the halves.  Think of this as a similar process to hanging and curing salami.  

For a full description of both of these processes tune into this month’s podcast where we discuss the aging process of beef, how our 2A beef are fed and finished and why!

There ya have it! Our 2A Beef and Why’s. As always, never hesitate to reach out with questions and thanks for tuning in!