I Survived: Shipping, Weaning, and a Whole Lotta Outdoors

Ranch Life / Thursday, June 13th, 2019

Hi Friends!  It’s me again.  If you have been following my Instagram, you have probably seen the last few weeks have been chalked full of everything 2A Moo!

Where should I start!  Well, we started the month of June out with gathering one of our leases in California.  Let’s just go ahead and say, this ranch wife crushed the camping thing.  And I really don’t do the whole camping thing.  My idea of roughing it, is a Holiday Inn Express with a window overlooking the forest.  Yup, roughing it equals no room service, but one must definitely have running water.  I know, insert eye roll and palm to face emoji.  I have to admit it though, I really had a GREAT time.  It was pretty surreal.  Here we were in the middle of about 1500 acres, sleeping in our bedrolls, in the nose of the trailer, of course.  But to be able to watch the sun go down while we watched our ladies and their babies cruise around munching grass in the holding pasture, was pretty amazing.  Blessed is all I can say.  And hey, I got to use my “white trash” carpet.  And I say that with utter excitement.  Remember last year, when were “camping” in our house and I was washing dishes in the tub……  Ya, well I haven’t forgot it!   But anyways, I bought two of those nifty plastic nylon woven outdoor rugs.  Bright blue and white.  And I have been dying to use them since then.  Embraced the full suck!  Well, I finally got to roll out the “red” or in this case “blue” carpet.  My heart is full!  We were able to unplug a bit with the limited cell service, see friends and experience downtown Karaoke. 

Last weekend, we weaned our fall calves. We headed back to our hometown and the visit was way too short, as it always feels.  But man-o-man those fall babies are getting grande.   So we mainly have cows that calve in the Spring.  Which means the cows calve from Feb-April, we call them spring calvers or spring calves.  These calves were born in September, hence fall calves.  The reason for different calving seasons is so that depending on where you graze/live you can match the cows feed demands with the season when your feed is best.  California is known for great winter and spring feed because of the mild and wet winters.  Grass grows there, usually in the winter time.  This means that the grass is powerful when the cows would be milking and raising calves and also trying to be rebreed in the winter months.  Where we mainly run cows here in Nevada, grass is best late spring through early fall, which is why we usually calve in February.  Since we run both Nevada and California, we are truly blessed with being able to do both, if we choose.  Which this is also pretty great to be able to hit two different selling markets. 

Sorry for the derail! So yes, we were weaning our fall calves last weekend.  This consisted of a gather, some clever traversing through rice fields to the corrals.  Picture if you will a herd of cats, a lot of water, and a bunch of teenagers come spring time.  You catch my drift.  Actually the gather went slick, the sort went great, and we were done by 10:30 am.  PARTAY time.  Well not really.  The Cow Boss started the morning out a bit prickly.  And rightfully so, my wonderful little Borgi decided she wanted to reupholster his 4-wheeler seat on the trailer ride down.  Sooooo ya, guess what I get to do………  Yup, get a new four wheeler seat. 

Have dogs they said, it will be fun the said.

But besides the foam explosion in the trailer all went well.  We got to visit family and friends.  And life is good.

So the rest of the month is filled with shipping the last of the cows to our summer feed.  Branding our 2A calves next week.  Stay tuned for picture overload.  Doctoring calves, checking cows, and of course selling the last few shares of our very first 2A beef!

 Thanks for following along! Summer time is fun time, and remember…..  when in doubt DALLY!

2 Replies to “I Survived: Shipping, Weaning, and a Whole Lotta Outdoors”

  1. Hopefully the little Borgi will not be murdered for having a re-designing flaw on Spencer’s quad! But it does sound hysterically funny… Sorry Spencer!

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